Since the end of 2003, Alkent Site provides all kinds of medical analysis services with the Family Medicine and E-Lab assurances. Radiographic inspection services are organized by Macka EMAR and Medical Corner provides priorities at the appointments and coordinations.
Without any age, sex and disease discrimination, you can apply and reach 24 hours to Family Medicine Specialist Dr. Erdem Birgül for all your health related matters, and when necessary , can get inspection services and being examined at home.
Not only at your unhealty days , but while also being healty, you can also apply to your Family Doctor for all matters. Your Family Doctor will know you, keep your health records, understand your health needs, know your health level and therefore provides special protective measures and check-up programs to keep and maintain your life quality at the highest possible level.
When you get sick, if necessary, your family doctor will examine you at home and will be able to diagnose and provide treatment to 80% of your health problems. In case of a need for an advanced inspection and a specific expert, your family doctor will coordinate accessing to the appropriate health specialist or to the health unit with the most accurate information.
In the emergencies and/or outside the working hours , you can reach to Medical Specialist Mr.Erdem Birgül from his phone number : 0532 611 9433.
Medical Corner working hours: Weekdays : 08:00 - 19:00 , Saturdays : 08:30 - 16:00.